The trustor is an agent that initiates the interaction to a perceived trustworthy agent, the trustee, to request a task in a given context to achieve its objective.
Instances of :ServiceRequestor can have the following properties:
From class :ServiceRequestor | |||
:establishes | owl:ObjectProperty | A trustor establishes the transaction context. | :TransactionContext |
:isActedBy | owl:ObjectProperty | An trustor or and trustee are acted by a device. | :Device |
:isRecommendedBy | owl:ObjectProperty | Trustor, Trustee, Network, and Relationship classes are recommended by Trust Recommendation. | :TrustRecommendation |
:requests | owl:ObjectProperty | The trustee and the trustor request trust recommendations. | :TrustRecommendation |
From class owl:Thing | |||
:#preferredNamespacePrefix | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dcterms:/creator | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dcterms:/issued | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dcterms:/modified | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing | |
dcterms:/publisher | owl:AnnotationProperty | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:ServiceRequestor a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Trustor"@en ;
rdfs:comment "The trustor is an agent that initiates the interaction to a perceived trustworthy agent, the trustee, to request a task in a given context to achieve its objective."@en .