Recent Selected Publications

  1. Ghildyal, Amit; Green, Stuart; Chang, Elizabeth (2019) Developing a Smart Contract, Leveraging Blockchain and AI to create visibility and accountability throughout the supply chain, In CIPS Australasia Conference , Melbourne, Australia , (Invited Keynote/Plenary) .
  2. Green, Stuart; Ghildyal, Amit; Chang, Elizabeth (2019) Digital Transformation - Managing Risk with Blockchain, In National Digital Summit 2019 , Canberra, Australia , (Invited Keynote/Plenary) .
  1. Chang, Elizabeth; Cannon, D. (2016) An Elastic, On-Demand, Data Supply Chain for Human Centred Information Dominance, In Intelligent Information Processing , Melbourne, Australia , (Invited Keynote) .
  1. Chang, Elizabeth; Diallo, D (2015) Dynamic Data Mart for Enterprise Heterogeneous, Big Data and System Integration through utilizing Data Marshalling, Data Meshing Data Mining and Automated Data Intelligence, In IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC 2015) , Daejeon, South Korea , (Invited Keynote) .